Donations can also be made at any Wells Fargo branch:
Project Souza Family
Account number 186-527-1579
Or you can mail a check to
Souza Family
PO Box 28272
Scottsdale, AZ 85255

This blog was created by friends as a way for the Souzas to share Taylor's progress with us. Kristen and Sean have not asked for financial help, but their medical bills coupled with Kristen's loss of income is truly overwhelming. They are so appreciative of ALL of the different types of support they have received and are more grateful than you can know. Thank you!
Taylor is a beautiful, vibrant three-year-old girl who was recently diagnosed with acute myelogenous leukemia, a fast-growing cancer of the blood and bone marrow. On June 18th, Taylor began an 8-10 month hospital stay. This blog will detail her journey back to good health!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Hello all - things are holding steady at the Souza house. We are all busy with our new schedules. I went back to work yesterday....totally overwhelmed but glad to be back. Taylor and Courtney (see above picture) are now picking Savannah up from school every day and are having a great time together. Courtney is amazing. It is such a great feeling for me to leave for work and know that Taylor is safe, loved, and having a great time. Savannah is also in love with Courtney. She stayed home from school on Monday only because she wanted to "play with Courtney!"
I have ended up at the pediatrician with Savannah a couple of times lately and we had to put her back on Nexium for Reflux. Savannah had reflux as a baby/toddler but had seemed to grow out of it and had gotten to be off of Nexium. Lately, she has been having alot of stomach pain and discomfort. Her pediatrician thinks it is most likely "stress induced reflux" she is back on medicine and seems to be feeling better. So sad that a 4 year old would be that "stressed!!"
Taylor has her next bone marrow aspiration on Monday. Each day of waiting brings more stress and as we get closer to Monday we will all be more anxious and stressed. I will post results as soon as we know something. Once again I would ask for continued prayers.....thank you so much!
A huge thank you to CBI and Rhonda Rush. CBI is the preschool where the girls have gone since 2007. Rhonda is a mom who has organized many fund raisers for us. Rhonda and CBI are now working with Suzy Hochman to promote the book sales of Hearts Connected. CBI and all of the families have been extremely supportive during this tough time....thank you so much.
Happy Birthday to Sophia, RN tomorrow. If you read this, Taylor loves and misses you!!!!
That is all for now...will post again when the test results come in.


  1. Kristen,
    I'm thrilled to hear that Courtney is fitting right in. I'm continuing to pray for good news on Monday! Do you have an update on sweet Elijah? I've got prayer groups praying for him too.

    ?God Bless,
    Liz O

  2. I know during this tough time who helps you will be like an angel from God!I also prey for you this Monday you will get a good result of all your efforts to save Taylor's life.

  3. The Souza family is and will always be apart of our prayers.... So glad to have you back at work and that you have found a special someone at home with girls like Courtney. Although I may not post often, I read your blog everyday and continue to be inspired and amazed by what Taylor and your family has gone through and continues to go through. We look forward to hearing good news on Monday...

    Love Always,
    Joelle, Ella and Oliva

  4. Wow we are so happy that things are slowing getting back to normal at the Souza household. We continue to pray every night as a family. Addy makes a point to read the book Lord's Pray for Taylor. We will continue to direct our positive energy towards Taylor and await your post with her results.

    Thinking of your family always,
    Jenn, Brad, Addison and Chase

  5. I am so happy you have found and "angel" to help take care of the girls! Welcome back to work! I pray for good news on Monday!

    Take care!

  6. Thank you for updating the blog this week. I hope your week back at work is getting better each day. How fun that the both girls stayed home on Monday to play with Courtney. They all look so cute in the picture. The three musketers.
    Praying and hoping for all the best on Monday and every day.

