Donations can also be made at any Wells Fargo branch:
Project Souza Family
Account number 186-527-1579
Or you can mail a check to
Souza Family
PO Box 28272
Scottsdale, AZ 85255

This blog was created by friends as a way for the Souzas to share Taylor's progress with us. Kristen and Sean have not asked for financial help, but their medical bills coupled with Kristen's loss of income is truly overwhelming. They are so appreciative of ALL of the different types of support they have received and are more grateful than you can know. Thank you!
Taylor is a beautiful, vibrant three-year-old girl who was recently diagnosed with acute myelogenous leukemia, a fast-growing cancer of the blood and bone marrow. On June 18th, Taylor began an 8-10 month hospital stay. This blog will detail her journey back to good health!

Friday, February 5, 2010

TGIF... I hope you are all doing well. I apologize that is has been so long since I have posted. Thank you all for your emails and texts and I am sorry if I scared any of you. We are all doing fine. Things have just been so busy being back at home. I am trying to get organized again after living in the hospital for 7 months. We are all trying to readjust to being together and getting used to being a family.

Taylor is doing ok...she woke up very early this morning with a "barking" cough. I knew immediately that she had croup. I called the hospital because she was really having trouble with her breathing and they had me bring her in. The doctors verified that she does have croup. They gave her a large dose of steroids in her broviac today. She is feeling pretty crummy and complains of a sore throat. I sat with her tonight in the bathroom and steamed her for about 15 minutes.....I am hoping this helps her through the night. could be a long weekend.

The good news is that her counts have increased from our last visit but are still not high enough to do her final bone marrow aspiration. She is still showing signs of having immature cells and continues to be in recovery mode. They have tentatively scheduled her bone marrow aspiration for February 19th but will wait and see if her counts are better by then. So....for now she will continue to be very careful and have limited activity.

She continues to be very tired but enjoying every minute at home. We take Savannah to school every day and then come home and rest and play and pick Savannah back up at 1:00. The girls are still getting used to sharing again but are doing better. They are both seeing Psychologists and this is helping both of them.

So...for now we continue to wait and see.....the waiting continues to be so difficult but at least we are waiting at home!!!!

Please don't be concerned if I don't post for a week or so....I will post if something comes up and will try to post updates more often. Again, thank you for you prayers, concern, and support.

Have a great weekend.


  1. Thanks for the update! I miss you guys :)


  2. So glad to hear everything is going well at the Souza household and Taylor is adjusting to being at home. We are praying and thinking of your family daily. . . glad to know Taylor's counts are moving in the right direction. Keep up the great work Souzas!!

    Jenn, Brad, Addy and Chase

  3. Thanks for the update and I'm SO glad that things are going pretty well at home. I figured that "NO NEWS was GOOD NEWS", but it is so great to hear things are good. I'm glad Taylor's counts and rising and I hope she gets over croup quickly! :) Take care and enjoy your family time!

    Liz-Takeda, CO

  4. miss you guys so much! i hope taylor is feeling better...glad you are all able to be at home, in your own beds, giving Harley some lovin'! Still hoping and praying for REMISSION!!!
    Big Hugs! XOXO Jess

  5. Thanks for posting an update. Glad to hear everyone's getting back to a routine and hanging out as a family.


  6. Hope Taylor is doing well! Miss you guys, but glad your not at PCH!
    Thinking of you, Allie Goldstein (PCT)

  7. Just hoping you girls had a great Valentine's Day together! Thinking about you!
    Suzanne W.

  8. We are thinking of you guys so much lately. I hope everything is still going ok and you are adjusting. Just wanted to let you know you are always in our thoughts.
    Cindy, Glen, Emily and Colin
