Donations can also be made at any Wells Fargo branch:
Project Souza Family
Account number 186-527-1579
Or you can mail a check to
Souza Family
PO Box 28272
Scottsdale, AZ 85255

This blog was created by friends as a way for the Souzas to share Taylor's progress with us. Kristen and Sean have not asked for financial help, but their medical bills coupled with Kristen's loss of income is truly overwhelming. They are so appreciative of ALL of the different types of support they have received and are more grateful than you can know. Thank you!
Taylor is a beautiful, vibrant three-year-old girl who was recently diagnosed with acute myelogenous leukemia, a fast-growing cancer of the blood and bone marrow. On June 18th, Taylor began an 8-10 month hospital stay. This blog will detail her journey back to good health!

Friday, September 11, 2009

TGIF - hope you have all had a great week. Last night didn't end very well. Taylor got very agitated and threw up a couple of times. She finally feel asleep around 11:00 and ended up sleeping fairly well. One of the chemotherapy drugs that she received can cause very bad conjunctivitis (pink eye) so she has to take eye drops preventatively. The only disadvantage of this is that the eye drops are given every 4 hours (2 drops in each eye) so she has to be woken up for them. Luckily they are timed with her vital signs so they do it all at the same time. Never the less, she hates getting them (I don't blame her!!).

She woke up early today and ate a good breakfast. She hasn't eaten well since we have gotten back to the hospital so I was very excited. Unfortunately, she has refused to take another bite of food since breakfast. The doses of her chemo are much larger and stronger than the previous rounds and they seem to be hitting her really hard. She complained of a headache so I tried giving her Tylenol around 6:00 pm and she started throwing up. She feel asleep at 6:30 and is still sleeping. I pray that she will sleep through the night...she is very tired. Her chemo rash has spread down to her legs and she looks fairly red. Almost all of her eye lashes have fallen out and her hair is almost all gone....she truly looks like a cancer patient.

I had another dose of reality tonight.....there was a "code" on the other side of Taylor's floor and the RN said that it doesn't look as if the child will make it.....WOW...that is alot to take in. It really reminds me how scary all of this is.

I have had the opportunity to make another new friend on Taylor's floor. A little boy named Leo Weber was admitted to PCH a couple of weeks ago with Stage 4 Lymphoma. He goes to the JCC for preschool and a bunch of our friends at the preschool know his family. I found them and his mom and I have become fast friends. Please add Leo and his family to your prayers.

Taylor did have one bit of happiness today. Her BFF at PCH, Aleeya, is back and we are now all roommates again. This is Aleeya's last round of treatment. Please pray for a good round for Aleeya.

Have a great weekend.

Kristen and Taylor


  1. Hell my friend,
    I am not gonna lie...this was a tough post. I felt every bit of it. Your right, reality is truly setting in and I wish I was there to wrap my arms around you. You said that this round had the potential to be extremely difficult and it sounds like it is living up to it's reputation. I hope this round absolutley destroys this terrible disease!!! I will continue to pray for Taylor and her friends at PCH.
    Thinking fo you always,

  2. Hi Kristen
    Wow, as I read your post I choked back tears.
    I can identify with those circumstances around you in the hospital that remind us of how fragile life really is. I am believing for Taylor to overcome her illness. God is Able and we will say a special Prayer for all of you in the family tonight. I hope all parents who have healthy children cherish that blessing and everyday be the light of their life.
    You truly are an amazing lady !
    Jocelyn Killam ( Shelly Bredemeyers Mom )

  3. Love you guys!


  4. Hi Kristen -

    We've never met but I've been following Taylor's story since this website was launched (I have twin girls and someone posted the link to my multiples group). I'm also friends with the Weber's and I am so glad that you were able to connect with one another (although I wish it was under different circumstances). I dropped something off at PCH for Joy yesterday I was think about you and Taylor as I drove up. I ALMOST stopped by to introduce myself but then I chickened out.

    I am glad to hear that Taylor is hanging in there.

    Toby Fox

  5. Thinking of you. A lot. You are in our prayers! Hugs...

  6. Dear Souza's,
    Sean told me about little Taylor and her struggle with leukemia. She's a beautiful child. I'm amazed at your strength in walking through this together. Our children are the most precious gift we will ever have in our lifetimes..they are miracles in the making. I am praying for all of you with special intentions for Taylor. One of the prayers my Mother often offered up to God is the one I am offering up for all of you. It is...
    The day was long,the burden I had borne
    seemed heavier than I could longer bear,
    And then it lifted- but I did not know
    Someone had knelt in prayer;
    Had taken me to God that very hour,
    And asked the easing of the load, and He
    In infinite compassion, had stooped down
    And taken it from me.
    We cannot tell how often as we pray for some bewildered one, hurt and distressed, the answer comes and many times those hearts find sudden peace and rest.
    Someone had prayed , and Faith , a reaching hand, took hold of God and brought Him down that day!
    So many, many hearts have need of prayer: Oh let us pray!
    I know that God will hold all of you in his loving hands.

    God bless you,
    Rene Johnson

  7. Hello Kristen and Taylor ~

    I am thinking of you now and every day. Thank you for your bravery and sharing this so fully with me and all of us. Together we really will create a miracle in this and healing for Taylor.

    Joy Solon Weber is a good friend of mine. I am so happy you two have met. It is no surprise you are fast friends as you are both extraordinary. Little Leo is a little angel and included now in our prayers.

    Love, Love, Love you...Conde
