Donations can also be made at any Wells Fargo branch:
Project Souza Family
Account number 186-527-1579
Or you can mail a check to
Souza Family
PO Box 28272
Scottsdale, AZ 85255

This blog was created by friends as a way for the Souzas to share Taylor's progress with us. Kristen and Sean have not asked for financial help, but their medical bills coupled with Kristen's loss of income is truly overwhelming. They are so appreciative of ALL of the different types of support they have received and are more grateful than you can know. Thank you!
Taylor is a beautiful, vibrant three-year-old girl who was recently diagnosed with acute myelogenous leukemia, a fast-growing cancer of the blood and bone marrow. On June 18th, Taylor began an 8-10 month hospital stay. This blog will detail her journey back to good health!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Well, I am not sure where to start. So much has happened in the last 24 hours. It all started last night while Taylor was getting her blood transfusion. During a transfusion, they check blood pressures every hour to make sure all is ok. Taylor had 3 really low pressures that were a little concerning. Then, her last bp came back up and she seemed fine. She slept pretty well but woke up feeling really sick. She threw up first thing this AM and started rubbing her eyes constantly. With in about an hour of waking, her eyes were extremely red, swollen, and the skin around her eyes was red and blotchy. She was screaming that her eyes hurt and didn't want any lights on. She also had a runny nose. She has been getting eye drops every 4 hours since last Wednesday because of one of the side effects of the chemo that she received is conjunctivitis. So.....they weren't really sure what was going on. Her eyes looked terrible and she was very uncomfortable. They gave her a dose of Benadrly around 11:00 to see if this would help. It did not. As the day continued her eyes got worse as did her runny nose. She would NOT let me put her down or let me out of her sight. We found a rocking chair and I rocked her for about 2 hours while she covered her face with a blanket. Around 3:30, they decided to give her a dose of Claritin (by mouth) to rule out possible allergies. She threw the medicine right up. So.....they got her a dose of Claritin in pill form and we crushed it and she took it in some yogurt. She kept that down but it really didn't seem to help.

They gave her another dose of Benadryl at 6:30 and it knocked her out. Her previous rash has now come back and is covering her face and body. At least she is sleeping.

The plan now in the morning is to move her to the 3rd floor into an isolation room. She will receive a nasal swab to test for 9 different viruses. She and I will stay in isolation until the virus test either grows something or doesn't grow something. If it does, she will be given the necessary treatment and if it doesn't show anything, we will hopefully be moved back to the 2nd floor (we would stay in isolation either way for a couple of days). Her eyes are really painful to even look can just tell how much pain she is in. She can't even watch TV because the light hurts her too much.

The doctor has asked for no visitors until we get this all figured out. Because her body can't fight off any infections, we have to be extra careful right now. Unfortunately, Sean, Savannah, or Grandma are not even going to be able to visit until this is figured out.

So...please pray...this is very scary and she is not doing very well.

I will post more as I get more information. Thanks to Sheri for sending out a message to everyone today.



  1. oh Kirsten...this is so SCARY!!! I can't even imagine what it must be like seeing Taylor suffer!!! Just reading your words makes me feel like I am there...thank you for the frequent updates amidst all that you are seeing and experiencing with Taylor. I hope that they can get whatever is ailing her under control so you can at least get back to her room with her bff. I pray that they get these symptoms under control and she is comfortable tomorrow. Praying for all the comfort and rest in the world tonight.


  2. Kristen,
    Wow, I cannot imagine how scared you must be and also how your heart must just break to see Taylor so uncomfortable! You are a trooper to post updates, so that we all know how she is doing each day! We will pray that they can figure out that cause of all of the eye discomfort and get it under control. Poor baby. I hope you got some sleep last night. There continue to be MANY prayers going up for Taylor from here!!! I have people calling from my church to get updates on Taylor, so a lot of people know how special she is, even without having met her in person.

    Take Care,
    Liz Olmstead-Takeda

  3. Hi Kristen.
    I've prayed for your family & read your updates on Taylor since the first day the Merrick's asked for prayers.
    Stay strong & rely on God. He will bring comfort and rest for all of you.
    Monica Booth

  4. I'm so sorry to her about this turn of events. Hopefully the swabs will reveal nothing is wrong, and you'll be back in your room feeling better soon. Thinking of you....

  5. Kristen,
    I am thinking of you guys and praying for Taylor everyday. I am also praying for you, Savannah and Sean. I wish I was closer so that I could be there for you. Take care,


  6. HI Guys. Just wanted to let you know we are thinking of you and sending love and hugs. xoxo, Amy Neiss & Family

  7. Oh Kristen, I can't imagine being a mom and watching Tay feeling so rotten. We're praying for her big time and hope she can get her eye deal under control soon. Carly had fun playing with Savannah last night. We think of Taylor everyday. Love, Kelly and Carly
