Donations can also be made at any Wells Fargo branch:
Project Souza Family
Account number 186-527-1579
Or you can mail a check to
Souza Family
PO Box 28272
Scottsdale, AZ 85255

This blog was created by friends as a way for the Souzas to share Taylor's progress with us. Kristen and Sean have not asked for financial help, but their medical bills coupled with Kristen's loss of income is truly overwhelming. They are so appreciative of ALL of the different types of support they have received and are more grateful than you can know. Thank you!
Taylor is a beautiful, vibrant three-year-old girl who was recently diagnosed with acute myelogenous leukemia, a fast-growing cancer of the blood and bone marrow. On June 18th, Taylor began an 8-10 month hospital stay. This blog will detail her journey back to good health!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Another fun day at PCH. Taylor didn't have a great night last night.....she tossed/turned most of the night. So, she started her day off very tired. Her blood counts continue to be at zero. There was a slight increase in her WBC which could mean that her counts might start to go up or it could mean nothing. Like I have mentioned before, there are NO DEFINITES in our new life. It is all a guessing game. Taylor did not spike a fever last night and her blood cultures have not grown any bugs....that is great news. They D/C'd one of her 3 antibiotics today and will take another one off tomorrow (if no fever tonight).

Tay and I made a birthday card and necklace for our good friend Kylee today. Happy Birthday Kylee...we love you!!!!

I had the pleasure of meeting with a wonderful child psychiatrist today...they are worried that Taylor will not take ANY of her meds by mouth. The psychiatrist is going to work with myself and Taylor on ways to get her to take her oral meds. Another doctor!!!!!(she was extremely nice!!!)

Taylor continues to not have any appetite. Every bite I get in her mouth is a struggle, but a victory. Even thought calories are all that matter at this point, I struggle with offering her ice cream with sprinkles for breakfast!!!! It doesn't really matter because she won't even eat that!

She wanted to watch TV today around 2:00 and is still sleeping at 5:30. She is going to get another transfusion tonight (which means benadryl) so she will hopefully sleep through until morning. Her little body just needs rest at this point.

That's all for today.....thank you again for your posts....they truly help me get through these VERY long days!! FYI.....I know I have been really bad about returning calls this is not any of you, it is me...just having a down week.

Love, Kristen and Taylor


  1. Kristen, I check your blog everyday and pray for you (all) every night. I know that you are tired-please take care of yourself. Keep Taylor wrapped in your love. Love, Becky

  2. Thinking of you each and every day! Lisa Kebo, Takeda

  3. Sending you many hugs and positive vibes! Miss Marcy is glad to be home and can't wait to see you guys! xoxo, Amy Neiss

  4. Hi Guys!
    I am back and have missed you all terribly!! Can't wait to see you Tay and tell you all about the beach! Justin and Noah found shells just for you! Talk to you soon!!

  5. Kristen-
    Thanks for blogging every day...your strength is amazing!
    Praying for higher blood counts tomorrow!


  6. It's so brave of you to log on here every day and update the masses about Taylor. Please know that all of us (even those of us who don't really know you guys!) appreciate hearing how things are going, and are wishing you well. Thanks for sharing the recent photos of Taylor too- she's such a doll!!!

  7. Hi Kristen,
    This is Laura Victor, Sheri Granger's sister. First, please tell Taylor how pretty her hat is and how beautiful she looks! Second, I am also a parent of twins. I learned long ago that the rules of parenthood change the moment you actually become a parent. You go for ice cream for breakfast, cake for lunch, and pie for dinner and don't give it a second thought! Not only that, but I believe that you should feel free to join Taylor on that very special diet as well:-) You both deserve it! Hang in there. Your entire family is loved!!

  8. Kristen-
    Tay is looking as pretty as ever!!! Love the new glasses & her fun hat! I love hats and want to wear more to be just like Tay!!

    You are going to have down days/weeks and we all understand-the last thing you need to worry about is returning phone calls. We're here if you need a pick me up, shoulder to lean on or just some really good gossip to get your thru the VERY long days & nights!! You are an amazing mom & friend!
    All my love,

  9. Hi Kristen and Taylor,
    Thank you for keeping everyone updated on Taylor's progress. You both are so strong and brave. Just keep thinking that Taylor's blood count with rise and you both will be home in no time! Addison is now finally old enough to start doing her nightly prayers and Taylor is the first one on the list!

    Jenn Cordelli and family

  10. Taylor,
    We miss you so much! Kylee told me that she wanted to go to the hospital to see you, so we'll be there as soon as your doctors will allow us. Kylee said "thank you for the beautiful necklace". I am making something very special for you--I'm not very creative but I think you'll really like it! We love and miss you!
    Aunt Betty and Kylee (and Aaron and Baby Chloe, too!)
    PS Aaron can't wait to come back to see you also!
