Donations can also be made at any Wells Fargo branch:
Project Souza Family
Account number 186-527-1579
Or you can mail a check to
Souza Family
PO Box 28272
Scottsdale, AZ 85255

This blog was created by friends as a way for the Souzas to share Taylor's progress with us. Kristen and Sean have not asked for financial help, but their medical bills coupled with Kristen's loss of income is truly overwhelming. They are so appreciative of ALL of the different types of support they have received and are more grateful than you can know. Thank you!
Taylor is a beautiful, vibrant three-year-old girl who was recently diagnosed with acute myelogenous leukemia, a fast-growing cancer of the blood and bone marrow. On June 18th, Taylor began an 8-10 month hospital stay. This blog will detail her journey back to good health!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Hello everyone - just wanted to post quickly to let you all know how much we appreciate your thoughts and prayers since the bad news on Monday. I have been contacted by so many people letting me know that all prayers for Taylor have gone into "over drive". Thank you all for continuing to post on the blog. I still read the posts to Taylor...she loves hearing them. A big thank you to Taylor's nurse, Katie posting today made Taylor so happy.....we tried to call you but you were not working....she misses you!! Thank you all so much for your prayers....we need it.

Taylor is hanging in there. She is very tired and gets worn out very quickly. Savannah has come down with a stomach bug and was sent home from school today with a low grade fever. She is OK tonight but complains that her stomach hurts!! I just pray that Taylor doesn't get a stomach bug on top of everything else.

I have been meaning to thank all of our dear friends who are working diligently on putting together the golf tournament on Saturday. Your efforts are amazing.....thank you in advance for doing this for us!!!

I apologize for not answering a lot of calls this week. Monday hit me really hard and I have been having a really hard time this week. I am trying hard to pick up my spirits.......just watching how tired Taylor is really scares me. I am trying to think positive....but it is hard.

I will post again in a couple of days to let you all know how Taylor is doing.

Keep praying for Taylor....we appreciate it.



  1. Taylor,
    I know you don't know me, but I work for Takeda, just like your mommy does. I have kids very close to your age and EVERY night before we go to sleep we think about you and say a lot of prayers for you! We hope you start to get some of your energy back soon! :) We will continue to check everyday to see how you are. Stay strong! You are such a beautiful and brave little girl!

    Hugs from Colorado!!!


  2. Taylor,
    Shine bright little star, shine with all your might. We are praying for you all the time. I wish I could have seen you when I was in town Did you get the butterfly that Savannah and I made for you?
    I love you very much.
    Aunt Shelly

  3. Hi Kristen
    All the way from Canada .... you all are in our thoughts and prayers. My daughter Shelly Bredemeyer knows you folks and she is visiting us....we keep up with the postings.
    I know what it feels like to get disappointing reports. Our son had a long hard cancer battle but he is fine today.... but looking back I know I shut down somedays but had to smile in front of him. God is able and he is the master physician. Keep your faith. Jocelyn Killam

  4. kathy, cindy's friendAugust 27, 2009 at 11:37 AM

    thoughts and prayers to your family! I hurt just thinking about what you all are going thru and send prayers of love to you all! I am cindy's friend and just wish we could make it all better for you all! much love from the cutchins family in dana point, ca

  5. UGH stupid leukemia!

    My toes/eyes/nose crossed that Taylor's little body just needed a few more days at home to recover...the tests WILL be better on Monday! Hang in there my friend, I know this has been scary and difficult week for you. You all are constantly in my thoughts.

    Tay-I am wishing I was eating one of our cookies w/ ALL the fun frosting! You are the BEST cookie maker of all times!!

    All my love-Jess

  6. Hi Taylor,
    I am a friend of your Grandma Renee. She and I have worked in schools together helping kids to learn. Now we are both supporting our grandchildren with lots of love. My wish for courage, strength and good test results are flowing to you along with my prayers for your quick recovery. I'm hoping those cells of yours just needed to grow up a bit to be "normal."
    Love from Colorado,
    Grandma Hoohoo (that's what my grandchildren call me) Judy Guthrie

  7. "Taylor admired herself in the mirror with a gleam in her eye, a fairy tale princess bright as the sunshine sky. She twisted and turned and smiled with glee, a beautiful girl, strong as the sea." This is one of my favorite pages froml our book. Taylor, you are an amazing little girl. I am thinking about you every day. Kristen, I know that this week has been tough I am praying with all of my might for better test results on Monday! You are a good friend...hang in there.

  8. Taylor - the Schadler Family will say special prayers for good test results. Ethan and Hunter can't wait to come watch a Sun Devil game with you and your sister.

    Robert Schadler

  9. Hi Taylor,

    I was just wondering if the cookie with frosting that Jessica got to eat is from the same big cookie you would NOT let me eat?! I love you anyway, baby girl!!


  10. P.S. Remember who let you eat TWO blue Gogurts! I still can't believe you told your mom on me :)



  11. Sean and Kristen,
    Praying for Taylor daily. This will turn around, she is very strong!
    Keep the faith,

  12. Kristen, Taylor, Sean & Savannah - I am so sorry for the setback and I am praying harder than ever that Monday will bring good news for you! I can't imagine how hard it is and I am also praying that along with healing God will lift your spirits and allow you to believe in the miracles He can work in all of your lives! God bless all of you as you go through this together!
    Karen DeWitt

  13. I swear that I would rather have all of this
    horror happen to me rather than to Taylor.

    I don't know how you two put one foot in front
    of the other, but I do know that somehow all
    of this is God's plan, and in the end all of
    our prayers will be answered.

    I worry about you, Kristen, and you,Sean. I
    hope you are getting some kind of decent
    rest. I wish I were in Scottsdale and could
    help more than being here in Tallahassee; but
    maybe prayer is the most help of all.

    Know that prayers are being offered all over
    the country and once again I say: all will be

    Mary and Jay Warden

  14. Hi Tay-Tay!

    I just packed my bags, and I am going to fly to Arizona tonight! I am so excited that I get to go to your golf tourny dinner! I hope and pray that you get good news on Monday! I want to babysit you and Savannah again soon! I love you!

    Hugs and kisses
