Donations can also be made at any Wells Fargo branch:
Project Souza Family
Account number 186-527-1579
Or you can mail a check to
Souza Family
PO Box 28272
Scottsdale, AZ 85255

This blog was created by friends as a way for the Souzas to share Taylor's progress with us. Kristen and Sean have not asked for financial help, but their medical bills coupled with Kristen's loss of income is truly overwhelming. They are so appreciative of ALL of the different types of support they have received and are more grateful than you can know. Thank you!
Taylor is a beautiful, vibrant three-year-old girl who was recently diagnosed with acute myelogenous leukemia, a fast-growing cancer of the blood and bone marrow. On June 18th, Taylor began an 8-10 month hospital stay. This blog will detail her journey back to good health!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Today was another challenging day. Taylor really didn't feel well for most of the day. She didn't throw up but wouldn't eat much and just wanted to watch TV and lay down for most of the day. She was up a little bit to play Candyland but wanted to lay right back down. She just doesn't have any energy. Her rash has gotten worse. They actually don't think it is related to her chemotherapy....they are not sure what is causing it. They are going to give her a dose of Benadryl tonight to see if that helps at all.

Tonight at 6:00 she received her chemotherapy injection in her leg. It actually went better than I thought it would but was still pretty rough. She was extremely brave and strong. It has been 2 hours since the injection and she hasn't had a reaction so hopefully we are out of the woods.....

Taylor actually get a break in her chemo treatments until Tuesday at 12:00 am. Then she has the same protocol that she just went through again. She will get another injection next Wednesday at 6:00pm. Then we wait......

The picture above is of Taylor in a new hat from our friend Katie. Katie is the mom to one of our past roommates, Jake. Jake was downstairs for a MRI and Katie stopped up to visit. Taylor loves the hat.....thank you Katie!!!

I am off to get some rest....last night was a long night with not much sleep......


  1. Way to be a brave princess Tay! Love your look SOOO pretty in it! XOXO Jess

    Kristen-wishing you continued's going to be a tough round but hopefully there is some light at the end of this crummy tunnel. Thanks for always keeping us do such an amazing job sharing what you all go thru. I know it's not always easy, we all appreciate it!
    All my love to you girls-BIG hugs!

  2. Taylor, I heard you were sooooo brave today! Great job, everyone is so proud of you. I love the pictures mommy put on the and Savannah look like such beautiful, BIG, 4-year olds in your birthday pictures. I also LOVE your new pretty hat. Nathan thinks you look like a snow princess!

    We love you all...stay strong Kristen!

    With love,
    Laurie T

  3. Hi Taylor,
    You are the bravest little girl I have ever known. I can't believe how strong you were today when you got your injection. So many people are proud of you!

    Thank you for always keeping the blog up-to-date and for having the strength to share your emotional experiences with everyone. There is never a day that I do not think about Taylor, Savannah, Sean and you.

    Our prayers are with you always,
    Jenn, Brad, Addy and Chase

  4. Taylor,
    You look so beautiful in your new hat! You are the bravest little girl on earth! I hope you feel like playing Candyland tomorrow.Hope you and your Mommy get a good night of sleep tonight too! There are SO many people that think about you EVERYDAY!

    God Bless,
    Liz O-Takeda-CO

  5. Hey girls. Because we haven't posted, still know we think about you every day and know the struggles you endure and pray for the success of all of this. Kristen and Sean, you have realized that Taylor and Savannah are stronger than you would have ever imagined. Heck, you never imagined that you could endure what you are going through. Continue to draw strength from each other. The kids are tough, and because you can't trade places with them you make them ok as best as you can and make sure they know how much you love them. Getting Taylor well while making sure Savannah is ok is a tough job but you guys are great parents. Thanks for keeping us informed...I know how tough that can be. We love you guys. Tell Taylor and Savannah Delaney says hi and thanks for the goodies. Keep the faith.

    Donn, Audra, and Delaney Merrick

  6. Hey Taylor--The hat is just gorgeous on you!! Too bad your mom does not have one to match. Everyone is thinking about you as well as your whole family. Hang in there!! Carole B.

  7. Taylor-
    your hat is so pretty! You are the bravest and smartest little girl in the whole hospital! Keep up the fight pretty lady!
    Love your nurse,
    Katie O
