Donations can also be made at any Wells Fargo branch:
Project Souza Family
Account number 186-527-1579
Or you can mail a check to
Souza Family
PO Box 28272
Scottsdale, AZ 85255

This blog was created by friends as a way for the Souzas to share Taylor's progress with us. Kristen and Sean have not asked for financial help, but their medical bills coupled with Kristen's loss of income is truly overwhelming. They are so appreciative of ALL of the different types of support they have received and are more grateful than you can know. Thank you!
Taylor is a beautiful, vibrant three-year-old girl who was recently diagnosed with acute myelogenous leukemia, a fast-growing cancer of the blood and bone marrow. On June 18th, Taylor began an 8-10 month hospital stay. This blog will detail her journey back to good health!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Day 1, Round 5.....we are back. Taylor was re-admitted today after making counts at the clinic. We enjoyed our last day at home with Savannah. The girls played all day while I packed up and got ready. It was absolutely heartbreaking to leave.....everyone cried......even Harley was whining as we left. Being home on a break is amazing but it just makes leaving that much harder. You just start feeling "normal" again and then off we go...... I know we are supposed to focus on the fact this this is hopefully our last round and she is doing well, but......just gearing up for another round is so taxing. None of us slept well last night. Taylor start waking around 12:00 and didn't sleep much more the entire night. I think she was just anxious about going back in today......I know I was.

So...we got re-admitted to the 3rd floor. Taylor has to have 1 more negative swab for Influenza before she can go back to the 2nd (oncology) floor. She has made some great friends up on 3 so she was OK with being back up here for awhile. We also have our own room so it is nice.......

Chemotherapy starts at midnight tonight....yuk!!! It is one of the chemo's she has had each round. It is also the chemo that give her a rash. She will have to go on eyedrops every 4 hours while on this chemo to help prevent a rash in her eyes again. The bad news is tomorrow at 6:00 am she has to have a new chemotherapy in injection (shot) form. I am so worried about this. She will receive two injections (one tomorrow and one on day 9). The is a chance of anaphylactic reaction with these shots. If she does react, it will most likely be to the 2nd dose, not the one tomorrow. Either freaks me out!!! I decided not to tell Taylor tonight that she will be woken up at 6:00 for a shot.....I was worried she would not sleep worrying about it. So....please pray the injection goes ok tomorrow.....what a way to wake up!!!

I have to keep reminding myself that this could be our last Round......there is hopefully an end in sight.

We had a great "break." We had a small birthday celebration for the girls. Thank you all for your amazing presents.....the girls love their new toys and clothes!! My dad and Grandma Renee were up and had great time with the girls. We decorated the house for Christmas. The girls spent the day with Miss Amy who took their picture for Christmas. Savannah didn't go to school while we were home so the girls enjoyed being together. We went for many walks and bike rides. We spent an evening with our good friends Jessica and Brett and drove through a Christmas lights display. We also got permission from Taylor's oncologists to attend the Make-A-Wish Christmas Party. We went with Aunt Kerri and had a great time. Taylor enjoyed seeing other kids and running like crazy!!!! Sean, Taylor, Savannah, and I also opened a few Christmas presents last night......great family time. All in all, it was a wonderful "break.".

Please pray for a "easy" round for Taylor. I am not sure how much more her little body can take......



  1. Let's call this the "light at the end of the tunnel" round.

    Sending love, hugs and many, many, many well wishes for an "easy" round!

    With love, smiles and good night kisses,
    Laurie T

  2. Continued prayers that this will be the last round and Taylor will have kicked leukemia's butt! She is one tough her mommy;)


  3. We are so happy that Taylor is in for what will hopefully be her last round! I know everyone wants to do the "Taylor kicked leukemia to the curb" dance! We will be praying that she does ok with the injections. Kristen, I hope this round will be easier. You can see the light at the end of the tunnel! We are praying for you, Taylor, Sean and Savannah to be able to lead a "normal" life again!

    God is good!

    Liz Olmstead-Takeda-CO

  4. Praying like crazy for you guys. Wish we were there to see them go around on their bikes!!!I'm glad you guys had such a wonderful time at home, I can't imagine having to go back so glad its the last round. We love you guys, Kelly and Carly

  5. This is IT-last round! I know this has been an unthinkable situation for the last few months. Everyone in the Souza clan has been tried and put thru the ringer. I can't imagine all the battles you all go thru on a daily basis. I still sometimes can't believe Tay actually has leukemia and has been thru more than any little girl should ever have to. My hope and prayer is that this round is not too hard on her little body, that the shot isn't too tramatic for her, that it's easier for you Kristen and that it ends in REMISSION!
    My love to you all!

  6. Jerry and I are sending out prayers for Taylor and the whole family. I've been thinking of you a lot. If you need anything please let us know.
    Love Stacey and Jerry
