Donations can also be made at any Wells Fargo branch:
Project Souza Family
Account number 186-527-1579
Or you can mail a check to
Souza Family
PO Box 28272
Scottsdale, AZ 85255

This blog was created by friends as a way for the Souzas to share Taylor's progress with us. Kristen and Sean have not asked for financial help, but their medical bills coupled with Kristen's loss of income is truly overwhelming. They are so appreciative of ALL of the different types of support they have received and are more grateful than you can know. Thank you!
Taylor is a beautiful, vibrant three-year-old girl who was recently diagnosed with acute myelogenous leukemia, a fast-growing cancer of the blood and bone marrow. On June 18th, Taylor began an 8-10 month hospital stay. This blog will detail her journey back to good health!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Hello all - after a much needed 23 hour break, I am back with Taylor. She had a good night and day today with "Special Grandma" (as Taylor and Savannah call my mom!). She had a transfusion last night and did fine. She was given Benadryl before bed to help her sleep last night....finally she slept for 11 hours!!! It was much needed by Taylor. She didn't nap today but feel asleep about 5:15 watching TV. She is getting a platelet transfusion tonight and will be given Benadryl again with I will let her sleep right now. Her blood counts are even lower today. She will continue to go down and it will take 8 - 10 days to come back up. Today is her final day of chemo (YEAH) this round. The doctors tell me they actually feel worse after chemo because their blood counts drop so low. They can also feel very achy from the chemo...I am praying she doesn't go through this.

After much thought and debate (and advice from doctors), Sean and I have decided that we are going to ask for no visitors until her blood counts begin to rise. The doctos have warned us to especially shy away from children visiting right now...there is just too high of a risk for infection from children. I am so sorry to not be able to see all of you for a week or so but think it is best for Taylor. Because people can be "carrying a cold or bug" for about 3 to 4 days before they show signs and symptoms, it is best to keep her away from everyone for now. Her risk of infection is so unbelievable high and a small bug could send her straight to the ICU....which would push me over the edge and could be life threatening for her!! So....once she is on the rise again, I will let you all know and we will be anxiously awaiting visitors again....thank you for understanding.

Many of you have reached out and asked what Taylor and I need right now....thank you so much for your generosity. Because we have been blessed with so many good friends and have received so many fun presents for both girls...we are good right now. I know that Taylor and Savannah would LOVE to get new stuff when we come back in for round 2 but have enough right now. Because room changes are so common, I am trying to scale down in the room. A room change is SO much work for me and if we move our next room will be smaller. Please know we appreciate everything you all have done....thank you!!!!

After reading my post, please scroll down and see the post from my good friend Sheri....she has posted the "charms" from Moda Fina. They are so adorable!!! To our friends at Moda Fina - thank you so much. I can't believe you have done this for guys are amazing!!!

I hope you are all having a great start to your week.

We love you,
Kristen and Taylor


  1. Thank you Kristen for your post today. I thought about Taylor and you while I was out in the field. Reading your post helped me tremendously touch base when we all can not all be physically around both of you. Stay strong and we'll provide our support around your blogs.

    Rod Bascon

  2. Hi Kristen-

    I am so glad you had a chance to spend some time with Savannah and Sean...I hope you are taking time for yourself, even if it's just 5 minutes a day. Stay strong!

  3. Hi Kristen and Taylor,

    I look forward to reading your posts everyday and hearing about Taylor’s progress. I know the road ahead of your family will be challenging, however I know deep in my heart that Taylor will prevail. Please know our family is continually thinking and praying for Taylor. I love the charms from Moda Fina and can’t wait to proudly wear mine!

    Jenn Cordelli and family

  4. Just wanted to say hello and let you know you are in our thoughts. I check the blog for your updates daily and Isabel always asks to see Taylor's pictures. Sending lots of good thoughts and wishes for Taylor.

    Jen, Pete, Isabel and Emma Catalano

  5. I'm going to Moda Fina tomorrow to get my charm. Thinking "Tayloriffic" won't fit on the back, though :). Maybe Harley needs one for his dog tag?! I'm going to see how many days in a row I can mention Harley in my comments.


  6. Kristen- Glad to hear you took a break (you need them to stay healthy and strong for Taylor)and had some quality time at home with Savannah.
    Taylor- Good job sleeping for 11 hours and GREAT JOB completing round 1 of chemo. We are so proud of your strength and courage!
    Laurie T

  7. Hey Kristen,
    So glad you were able to go home for a little break and hopefully catch your breath. Thanks so much for keeping us all posted daily. You've always been SO open with sharing the girls with all your friends and family. I think it is why you have SUCH a huge support team that love you and the girls so much (and Sean too!!)! PLEASE keep sharing, even the really tough times with us....we all are here to help support you in anyway- to listen, to cry, to pick you up when you need it, to keep focused on the positive!

    I'm hoping Taylor's counts go up quickly so you both can have visitors again :) I am going to get my Taylor Charms this week!!!

  8. Saw a post re: your family on Big Tent for PVMOM. Your kiddos are very cute! I have 16 mo. old triplets and just cannot imagine what you are going through right now. My little guy Tayllor was tested for Leukemia last summer and we got lucky that it's just a swollen spleen but it's on my mind often as they haven't figured out why his spleen continues to be swollen.

    All I can do is say prayers for your Taylor and your family. Hopefully we can get over and buy some Taylor charms. Hang in there and keep your spirits up. I hope Taylor makes a full recovery.


  9. Hi Kristen & Taylor!
    I am a friend of Jessica's and have had the pleasure of meeting both of you several times at Jessica's house. I wanted to let you know I am thinking of your family daily. I am glad to hear today is her last day of chemo & round 1 can soon be behind you. I will keep your family in my prayers daily!
    Susannah Reuss
