Donations can also be made at any Wells Fargo branch:
Project Souza Family
Account number 186-527-1579
Or you can mail a check to
Souza Family
PO Box 28272
Scottsdale, AZ 85255

This blog was created by friends as a way for the Souzas to share Taylor's progress with us. Kristen and Sean have not asked for financial help, but their medical bills coupled with Kristen's loss of income is truly overwhelming. They are so appreciative of ALL of the different types of support they have received and are more grateful than you can know. Thank you!
Taylor is a beautiful, vibrant three-year-old girl who was recently diagnosed with acute myelogenous leukemia, a fast-growing cancer of the blood and bone marrow. On June 18th, Taylor began an 8-10 month hospital stay. This blog will detail her journey back to good health!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Happy Sunday....hope you all had a great weekend. I got back to the hospital this morning to find Taylor feeling MUCH better. She has had no more fevers and her appetite is back. She is not eating her normal amounts but is at least eating something every day. I am hoping that they will stop her TPN tomorrow. She will still get another dose tonight but hopefully that is it. She has gained a little weight back. She looks good. Her counts are still at zero with no signs of trending up. Today is Day 19....I am still aiming to be out in 40 days. Who knows with Taylor....she has recovered very quickly in some of her past rounds so I am praying that she might surprise everyone and recover quickly this round. Her spirits are back to normal and she is playing and being her normal, feisty self!!!

I had a great Saturday with is just so hard to leave her. A big congratulations to Suzy and her running group. They all finished the marathon. Thank you all for your support and dedication.

Have a great week.



  1. Kristen,
    I'm so happy to hear that Taylor was doing so well when you got back today! I'm sure it is so nice to see her eating, playing and just being more like herself. I'm also glad you got to spend time with Savannah! :) I am praying you all have a good week and her counts start rising.

    Take Care,
    Liz Olmstead-Takeda, CO

  2. Hi there,
    SO glad to hear little Tay is feeling better and eating!!! One of my fav Tay stories is that Easter when she ate too much and kept saying 'My belly hurts mama'....from overeating! I hope that is your problem again soon!!!
    Love that you had a fun day w/ Savannah too!! I bet it's hard to leave that little bug!!!
    ps. Congrats to Suzy-AMAZING!!!

  3. Yeah, Kristen I'm so glad to hear about Taylor feeling better and getting her appetite somewhat back. We sure miss you guys, Kelly and Carly

  4. I am glad to hear the good news that Taylor is feeling good. I wish he'll get well soon and we be on track very soon. God may bless him.

    r4 dsi
