Donations can also be made at any Wells Fargo branch:
Project Souza Family
Account number 186-527-1579
Or you can mail a check to
Souza Family
PO Box 28272
Scottsdale, AZ 85255

This blog was created by friends as a way for the Souzas to share Taylor's progress with us. Kristen and Sean have not asked for financial help, but their medical bills coupled with Kristen's loss of income is truly overwhelming. They are so appreciative of ALL of the different types of support they have received and are more grateful than you can know. Thank you!
Taylor is a beautiful, vibrant three-year-old girl who was recently diagnosed with acute myelogenous leukemia, a fast-growing cancer of the blood and bone marrow. On June 18th, Taylor began an 8-10 month hospital stay. This blog will detail her journey back to good health!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wanted to quickly post an update because I am not sure what the day will bring. Taylor spiked a very high fever last night...103. Her heart rate was also very high. She was immediately put on 3 antibiotics and blood cultures were drawn. We are waiting to hear if anything comes back on the cultures. They have also added another line of fluid so right now we have 5 lines running in her...pretty scary. She had a hard time last night....feeling really bad. Will try to post later tonight when I know more.


  1. AH geez....what happened to my major prayers! I hope her fever gets controlled and it's nothing too serious. Thinking of you guys...keep us posted on how she's doing. We'll keep up w/ the MAJOR prayers for her to feel better and get better!!

  2. Heart breaking post...I'm with Jess, sending super duper major prayers that she feels better and it is nothing serious! Love you all so much and I am hoping for better days ahead!

    Laurie T

  3. Hang in there. Positive thoughts and prayers from the Mahers.

  4. Hope she is feeling better soon. Love you guys.
