Donations can also be made at any Wells Fargo branch:
Project Souza Family
Account number 186-527-1579
Or you can mail a check to
Souza Family
PO Box 28272
Scottsdale, AZ 85255

This blog was created by friends as a way for the Souzas to share Taylor's progress with us. Kristen and Sean have not asked for financial help, but their medical bills coupled with Kristen's loss of income is truly overwhelming. They are so appreciative of ALL of the different types of support they have received and are more grateful than you can know. Thank you!
Taylor is a beautiful, vibrant three-year-old girl who was recently diagnosed with acute myelogenous leukemia, a fast-growing cancer of the blood and bone marrow. On June 18th, Taylor began an 8-10 month hospital stay. This blog will detail her journey back to good health!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Not much new to report today. Taylor feels much better. She continues with the stomach pain but has only need pain medication 1 time today...a huge improvement!! She also ate a little food today. So...we are heading in the right direction. Currently she is getting 24 hour TPN but they are going to try her on 18 hour TPN tomorrow in the hopes that she will want to eat a little more. Right now going home depends on her eating. They cannot send her home until she can eat and tolerate food. So...we are trying.

I know that many of you have purchased Hearts Connected...the book my friend Suzy wrote. First, thank you to all that have purchased the book. Second.....Suzy, words can not describe how amazing the book it. (We had a delay in the shipping so I just received the book tonight). Taylor and I "skyped" with Sean and Savannah and read the book for the first time....absolutely wonderful. The girls both loved it. Taylor and I ended up reading it numerous times tonight....It truly is an amazing gift you have given our family...thank you Suzy!!!

I am off to try to have a little down time tonight....Taylor is having a hard time falling asleep so I am off to lay with her.


  1. You said it, 1 day at a time! So glad to hear that you received your book. I got mine yesterday and have read it several times to Nathan and Troy. I actually ordered another copy tonight for Nate's preschool! It was the most moving, honest and beautiful book; delicately taking readers through the struggles and bond your girls have, especially during this frightening time. I posted the link on my facebook account, and so did Jess and Shauna...hopefully that helps sell MORE books.

    Keep up the good work Taylor, all of these small daily improvements keep inching you towards better health AND going home.

    With love and hope...good night!
    Laurie T

  2. Kristen,
    I am so thrilled that Taylor is feeling even better today. I hope you two have a peaceful night of sleep! I just ordered a copy of "Hearts Connected" and can't wait to read it! A dear friend of mine here in Pueblo ordered a copy too, so the word is spreading! :)

    Always praying,
    Liz-Takeda, CO

  3. Hi Kristen,

    It's Elisa Olivos from Takeda. I just returned from our POA and heard about your daughter's diagnosis. I too went through a similar situation with my father and know how much of a roller coster it can be. I am planning on buying Suzy's book and can't wait to share it with family and friends. I wish you all the stength and love that one can share and look forward to hearing that Taylor will be feeling better soon.

    Take care,


  4. We are so happy to hear that Taylor is feeling better. Sending love and prayer that she will continue to get stronger and start really eating so you guys can go home!!! We have the book and Carly is taking it to school today to tell her friends about Tay. XOXO Kelly and Carly

  5. So glad to hear Taylor had a better day and that you got to read Taylor & Savannah's book as a family. :o) Am hoping and praying for more continued good news and that you two will get to go home next week. xoxo Merilee

  6. I'm praying for strength and wisdom for you Kristen. Holding up sweet Taylor too. I hope she continues to improve so that you can bring her home soon! Love, Melanie Schwarz

  7. YAY! Love to hear this good news. We are going to pray that you guys are home very soon enjoying time with the rest of the family. The box of "crafts" Emily is sending Taylor has grown and I need to send it before it gets any bigger! We will send it to the house so she can open it when she's there! Have a restful night and we will pray that tomorrow brings more good news. -Love, Cindy
