Donations can also be made at any Wells Fargo branch:
Project Souza Family
Account number 186-527-1579
Or you can mail a check to
Souza Family
PO Box 28272
Scottsdale, AZ 85255

This blog was created by friends as a way for the Souzas to share Taylor's progress with us. Kristen and Sean have not asked for financial help, but their medical bills coupled with Kristen's loss of income is truly overwhelming. They are so appreciative of ALL of the different types of support they have received and are more grateful than you can know. Thank you!
Taylor is a beautiful, vibrant three-year-old girl who was recently diagnosed with acute myelogenous leukemia, a fast-growing cancer of the blood and bone marrow. On June 18th, Taylor began an 8-10 month hospital stay. This blog will detail her journey back to good health!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Well today has been very scary to say the least. Taylor woke up feeling not well again. She spiked 2 fevers during the night and was up most of the night coughing. So...when she was seen today, they determined it was time for another room/floor change. Her nose has also started to run so she could potentially put the other oncology patients at risk so she was moved back up to the 3rd floor as a precaution. She actually had a good couple of hours fevers, sitting up watching TV an actually asked for food. She only at a few bites but at least it was something. She still continued to have belly pain and was medicated with morphine throughout the day. She also had to have her dressing changed which was no fun but being the trooper that she is, she powered through it.

Her weight was a little concerning today because she has actually been gaining weight over the past 2 days which is not possible because she is not eating and her IV nutrition is only being run at 50% of her caloric needs. She is retaining fluid or "third-spacing". This is most likely from her protein levels in her blood being low and not holding onto the fluid. The fluid is leaking out into her gut causing abdominal distention and that could be the reason for her pain.

Tonight she spiked a fever again and was given morphine. One concern is that Taylor is becoming septic from the 8 days of unresolved fevers. Her blood pressure then dropped critically low and she was having trouble getting a deep enough breath. She was given a "bolus" of fluid to help bring her pressures up. Her pressures are now stable but still on the low side. Her oxygenCheck Spelling saturation levels are low but considered stable for the time being. She is retaining so much fluid that she is very puffy and even has edema in her legs and feet. Right now we are still on the 3rd floor but if pressures drop again will be moved to ICU. She will need blood pressure medications that are not given on this floor. She is holding her own right now but not out of the woods for the night.

As you can imagine, this has been extremely scary. I am staring at her monitors and trying not to jump every time they beep because her oxygen saturation drops or her pulse drops. It is going to be a very long night

I have asked for your prayers in the past but Taylor needs the more than ever. Please pray that we stay out of the ICU and that this nightmare will be over soon. I just don't know how much more she can take.....


  1. oh my Kristen, 2010 is off to a rocky start! We haven't stopped praying for Taylor... all this is so scary. Just know she is in good hands at PCH, that is all you can do. Try your hardest to take deep breaths and relax, Taylor can feel your energy.

    I miss you so much and wish I could just hug you every day! You are so strong and providing such amazing love and support for little Taylor.

    I hope through all of these new developments you will still be able to have a sleepover or atleast a special activity with Savannah.

    Just know you are very, very, very loved!

    I hope you ladies can get some rest tonight!

    With love, hugs and smiles,
    Laurie T

  2. Kristen,
    We are praying for Taylor. I have also asked our friends, who attend a church with about 2500 members to please put Taylor on the prayer list tomorrow during the service. Take care and please know that so many people are praying for Taylor. Hang in there.

    God Bless,

  3. We are keeping you all in our prayers! Hopefully this is the worst of it and you stay out of the ICU, and tomorrow Taylor will feel better and you can get some much needed rest. No one should go through this, and I do hope this nightmare is over soon!

    Carla and family

  4. Kristin--the prayers, good vibes, thoughts and everything else are being sent your way. What a long and difficult road this has been for all of you. If tears could wash away all the pain and suffering for Taylor, then the recovery should start soon as anyone who reads the daily updates is sure to be crying them for you. Carole B

  5. Loads and loads of prayer. Kristen, we all are there for you Taylor is such an unbelieveable girl. What a crazy storm you have been through. No ICU that will be our mantra. Love you, Kelly and Carly

  6. Grace and I just read this together. Grace said to tell you in addition to prayers, she has real magic and is sending all of it to Taylor. We just said prayers together and then she stood at the window facing the direction of where you two are and sent you love and magic. Please tell Taylor we send her every bit of healing there is.
    Love you, Conde & Grace

  7. Kristen & Sean,
    When I woke up this morning, the thermometer read 20 below zero. I had a litany of excuses why I did not need to go to mass today: what would it matter if I missed one Sunday? We just went to mass on Friday for the Mary Mother of God Feast Day Mass? What does one day mean?
    Then I read you post early this morning realizing that 20 below was nothing in comparison to what Taylor is going through. On the way to mass, Adam and I had a long conversation about Taylor and how we had to pray extra hard for her today.
    Taking a que from your friend Liz above, I am going to contact our prayer line to have Taylor added to our prayer list at Guardian Angels. You are in our constant thoughts & prayers.
    Love, Kathleen, Steve, and Adam

  8. Hi Kristen, Sean, Taylor and Savannah~
    Sending you love and good wishes for Taylor! She has such immense strength and we are all thinking of you and hoping she will get better very soon!

    Lots of love and hugs,

    Miss Marcy's family: Amy, Gary, Harrison and Holly Neiss

  9. Prayers are coming your way from SaddleBrooke. Our thoughts are with you all.

    Ardda Hersh

  10. Kristen,
    I can't believe what Taylor is going through right sounds absolutely horrible. My prayers have never stopped for Taylor and especially for you to give you the strength you need to support this little one through the tough days. Please know that my arms are wrapped around you in spirit and I am always here for you.

    I pray for a better day.

  11. Stepping up the prayers and good thoughts for you all. Hang in there . . . all of you. Think of you daily and hope this rocky start to 2010 brings a very calm and normal rest of the year. xoxo Merilee

  12. Taylor is never far from my thoughts and prayers and I hope with each new day comes small victories and improvements!


    Toby Fox

  13. Prayers coming your way from the Eggler family. Hang in there, Taylor is a fighter!

    Julie, Joe, Josh and Zack
