Donations can also be made at any Wells Fargo branch:
Project Souza Family
Account number 186-527-1579
Or you can mail a check to
Souza Family
PO Box 28272
Scottsdale, AZ 85255

This blog was created by friends as a way for the Souzas to share Taylor's progress with us. Kristen and Sean have not asked for financial help, but their medical bills coupled with Kristen's loss of income is truly overwhelming. They are so appreciative of ALL of the different types of support they have received and are more grateful than you can know. Thank you!
Taylor is a beautiful, vibrant three-year-old girl who was recently diagnosed with acute myelogenous leukemia, a fast-growing cancer of the blood and bone marrow. On June 18th, Taylor began an 8-10 month hospital stay. This blog will detail her journey back to good health!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Happy Monday to all. Taylor had another good day. Her blood counts tripled from Sunday to Monday which means we are most likely getting out of here on Wednesday...yeah!!! We can't wait to go home. The only bad news about this is that our first "break" is going to be VERY short. Normally each break is 7 - 14 days. We only get 5 days. We have to come back in on Monday. Monday she will undergo a bone marrow aspiration which will tell us if she has gone into remission (please pray for her!!). She will also have her second lumbar puncture. This is done to determine if the leukemia has gone into her spine and brain. Her first lumbar puncture showed no leukemia in the spine or brain so we are assuming/hoping this is the case again. Just like the first time, she will receive another dose of chemotherapy directly into her spine as a precaution.

Even though we will only be home for 5 days, at least we will be home. She is more excited to see Harley (sorry Savannah and Daddy) than anyone else. She misses her dog so much!!!! She keeps telling me she wants to give him SOOO many kisses. She is already concerned about the sleeping arrangements at home. She has gotten so used to sleeping with Mommy every night...she asked me today if she could sleep in my bed and Daddy could sleep in the extra room????? So...we will see how the sleeping goes once we get home.

We did also find out that Savannah is NOT a bone marrow match for Taylor. This is not the best news. Taylor's best prognosis was that she and Savannah would be a match and she would receive a bone marrow translplant. we have to wait and see what the next step is. No matter what, she will continue with the chemotherapy, just not sure about a bone marrow transplant from an unknown donor.

That is really all for today. Can't wait to get out of this place. I also want to thank my 4 great friends who helped Sean and I at the house tonight to "steralize" the house for Taylor's return. Thank you to Kim, Jessica, Betty and guys are the best. Thanks also to Special Grandma for sitting with Taylor so I could go home and clean.

Have a great Tuesday,


  1. Kristen, while I truly am sorry I couldn't make it over to help clean tonight because of an unrelenting migraine, I have to say you are clearly sleep deprived and your judgement impaired for even asking me to come. I am incapable of sterility, hence the state of my house. This house is only presentable at times because I married a self-described "Cleaning Ninja!"

    I hope the next time I see you and Taylor it is AT HOME! YAY!!


  2. Kirsten,
    My name is Stephanie Martin. I'm a classmate of Marcy's. Ive been reading your blog over the past few wks. Your family has really touched me. I went threw the same health issues 7yrs ago. Only it was w my husband not one of my children. Its a vicious disease. Peter had no luck w his treatments in the US.We found by going on the donor program was going to be lengthy due to his age? His only chance was to return back to Sweden. Like Taylor none of his siblings were a match. The donor program in Sweden. Luckily it was only over a month a match was found. We never knew who the donor was. But the first transplant didnt take. We had to go threw it a 2nd time.Unfortunately Peters poor body just couldnt fight anymore. His immune system was so down from everything. It wasnt the disease that took him. It was pnemonia. Its vital to keep the visitors to a minimum. I cant express to you how brave you are. But as a mother, I see how your able to be. It was hard for me to deal with for my husband to take so ill. I just couldnt imagine for one of my children( I have 5) to become critically ill. My youngest is 7(8 next month) she lit a candle for Taylor in Sundays mass for her to be able to come home. Glad to hear that even if its for a few days, she will get there. With her blood count rising, thats a great sign. Will keep her in our prayers that the results from the lumbar punctures come out as they did the first time. I wont kid you, its a long hard road you have ahead of you. But her age is a big factor. She has youth on her side. Again its great news that shes going home for a few days. Looking forward for more positive things for Taylor to come. Your absolutely remarkable.

    Stephanie Martin

  3. Yea!! So glad you both will be getting home for some kisses from Harley, Savannah and Daddy, too! We will keep praying for good things(remission,remission,remission!) Enjoy your few days at home.


  4. Kristen,
    Great news about being able to come home!! How wonderful!! :) BIG PRAYERS for your next round of tests...REMISSION PLEASE!! I am so sorry to read that Savannah is not a match, but if need be there will be a match out there for Tay...I know there is!
    Hugs and kisses,

  5. Hello again! So sorry to hear that Savannah is not a match for Taylor... that's tough. The good news is, Taylor will be enjoying doggie kisses very soon, and we're all praying for her next round of tests to go well. Enjoy your time at home!
