Donations can also be made at any Wells Fargo branch:
Project Souza Family
Account number 186-527-1579
Or you can mail a check to
Souza Family
PO Box 28272
Scottsdale, AZ 85255

This blog was created by friends as a way for the Souzas to share Taylor's progress with us. Kristen and Sean have not asked for financial help, but their medical bills coupled with Kristen's loss of income is truly overwhelming. They are so appreciative of ALL of the different types of support they have received and are more grateful than you can know. Thank you!
Taylor is a beautiful, vibrant three-year-old girl who was recently diagnosed with acute myelogenous leukemia, a fast-growing cancer of the blood and bone marrow. On June 18th, Taylor began an 8-10 month hospital stay. This blog will detail her journey back to good health!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Happy Monday to all. As many of you know, today was a big day for Taylor. We had Taylor's 2nd bone marrow aspiration to determine if the first round of chemotherapy worked. Before going in today, I was under the impression that we would walk out of the clinic knowing exactly where we stand.....that is not the case!! There are 2 pieces to the puzzle...the first piece ended with GREAT news....she is in partial remission (YEAH!!!). The second part of the puzzle is still to be determined. With Taylor's risk category of AML being Intermediate, there is a need to send her bone marrow out to the Mayo Clinic for further testing. This is the piece of the puzzle we are still waiting to hear back on. We should know the results by the end of this week or early next week. With this being said....we did receive GREAT news today and will celebrate this victory. Once we get the "final" results in, we will have a better overall picture of how she is responding!!!

The bone marrow aspiration went well and she is doing well. She is having a little pain at the site but hanging in there. I haven't given her any pain medication yet...we will see how she is doing at bedtime.

We are going back into the hospital on Wednesday for the start of Round 2. At this time, she will also have a lumbar puncture to check for any leukemia in her spine/brain. She will receive a dose of chemotherapy in the spin as a precaution (this is the same treatment protocol as round 1). She will also being getting 8 days of chemotherapy through her central line on Wednesday. This round/block of treatment should last another 4 -6 weeks and then out for our 2nd break!!

The girls are so happy being back home is so hard thinking about packing up again and going back into the hospital. Taylor is already telling me she "wont' go!!" Many of you have asked about visitors...we should be up and running for visitors starting on Thursday. Wednesday is going to be a long day - lumbar puncture, Echo cardiogram, EKG, and chemo..... I am planning on going back to work on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Feel free to visit during the day (I just might not be there). Family will be staying with Taylor while I am gone.

I will post again on Wednesday after we get settled in. Thank you all for your prayers this past worked!! She is off to a GREAT start after round 1.



  1. I think I've checked the site 10 times waiting to hear the good news!!! So glad for you all...I know that was one leg in the marathon but what a great start:) Continued prayers from the Walkers...

  2. That is wonderful news!!!

  3. This is great news! Good Job Taylor-you're being so strong!!
    Shauna & Gustavo

  4. Dear Kristen,
    This is fantastic news! I am so happy to read about the partial remission. She is going to beat this's going to take time, but she is already on her way! I am also glad that you are working several days this week...this will certainly help you maintain the balance.

    You are awesome! Hugs and prayers coming your way.


  5. Hey Kristen and Sean,

    I am glad to hear that girls had a good weekend. It is such great new to find out that Taylor is in partial remission. She is such a strong girl. I know that the bone aspirations can be painful, and it sounds like Taylor got through it like the Champion that she is. I will be praying that the rest of the news is good as well, as I am sure it will be.

    I am thinking about your family always and look forward to seeing you guys soon.

    With Love,
    Tom Margie

  6. Hello!!
    YEA!!!!! I am SOOO thrilled to hear Taylor is in 'partial' Remission....fingers/toes/eyes/legs crossed that the second part of this crazy puzzle is just as good of news!!! You are ALL being so strong and brave.....please celebrate this big victory!!!
    Love to you all,

  7. Taylor rocks the party that rocks the body!! Woohoo! To celebrate, when I watch the girls tomorrow...NO NAP! And Skittles for lunch! On second thought, I'll put them down early and I'll eat the Skittles.

    Love you guys!


  8. I am so happy to hear the good news. Taylor, continue to be strong- you are awesome! We are looking forward to hearing more good news at the beginning of next week.

    Heather Atendido

  9. C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S ! ! ! Miracle one and many, many more to come. We are creating them, and thinking of you all constantly. We're visualizing/creating/intending/wishing and praying for healing and full restoration of Taylor's health. Love, Conde, Don, Alexa and Grace

  10. That is great news and we are all estatic. We are sending good thoughts your way for more good news to come. Stay strong and positive, your little monkey is one tough chick...

    xxoo Dana, Isaac, Reese and JJ

  11. Such great news...Taylor is a fighter and for sure working off of her familys strength and many wonderful and caring friends. Tell Tay that Miss Amy misses her and will be there to visit soon. Let me know if I can help at all while you and Sean continue this amazing balancing act!

  12. so happy to hear your good news....
    praying hard for more good news, more good news!

    Lisa Pinkus

  13. Taylor,
    I'm so happy to hear that you're doing better and that you're being brave! I want you to know that you have alot of people here who are praying and rooting for you to get all better so that you can come home and stay home. As soon as you're all better you, Mommy and Savannah can come to see Secret and her baby Callysta. Callysta is looking forward to seeing you!

    Keep getting better and I want to hear more good news very soon.

    Carole Eisner

  14. Dear Taylor,

    Great to hear the good news about being in partial remission. I know good news will continue to come your way. Enjoy being with your sister at home and hugs to you and your mommy!! You are in my thoughts.

    Rachel Lundman

  15. Such wonderful news. Congratulations and every good vibe I have that part two of the news comes back just as favorably. Prayers of comfort and strength coming your way.

    Beans Hawley
    (Laurie's friend)
