Donations can also be made at any Wells Fargo branch:
Project Souza Family
Account number 186-527-1579
Or you can mail a check to
Souza Family
PO Box 28272
Scottsdale, AZ 85255

This blog was created by friends as a way for the Souzas to share Taylor's progress with us. Kristen and Sean have not asked for financial help, but their medical bills coupled with Kristen's loss of income is truly overwhelming. They are so appreciative of ALL of the different types of support they have received and are more grateful than you can know. Thank you!
Taylor is a beautiful, vibrant three-year-old girl who was recently diagnosed with acute myelogenous leukemia, a fast-growing cancer of the blood and bone marrow. On June 18th, Taylor began an 8-10 month hospital stay. This blog will detail her journey back to good health!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Happy Wednesday to all - not much to report for today...another day in Paradise!!! Taylor spiked a fever again last night but nothing has grown on her blood cultures....meaning she most likely doesn't have an infection...just a fever. She had a much better day and played with her roommate most of the day. My roommates mom and I took turns bribing the girls to eat. Who would have thought ever getting Taylor to eat would be hard???? She ended up eating a little today...enough to stay away from the feeding tube (NG tube) for another day.

We are really just waiting for her counts to come up so we can go home for our first break. If all goes well and she doesn't get an infection, we might be able to go home by the end of next week!!

We are also still waiting for the results of Savannah's blood draw. As I mentioned before, there is a 25% chance she is a bone marrow match for Taylor. We hope to get the results early next week....

That's all.....I am exhausted. Going to try to get to bed early tonight.

Kristen and Taylor


  1. We continue to check Taylor's updates daily. I have also added her to our prayer list at church! She has a lot of people pulling for a full recovery. I hope you both get some much needed rest tonight!

    Liz Olmstead/Takeda/CO

  2. Hello Kristen my friend,

    I miss you so much!!
    I still can't believe what you have experienced over the past month, it continues to blow my mind how strong you all have been!! Last night, I went to my first Team in Training meeting to learn about my marathon training program. I cannot wait to start training for my "Taylor Love Run"! It was pretty emotional in that I met one of my run coaches who is a self-described "survivor" of lymphoma...ten years now! It was nice to meet someone who has won the fight! I also have made good friends with a guy named Jorge at my Road Runner sports store. When I went in to buy my running shoes, I told him about Taylor and he was so upset. The next weekend, I had to exchange my shoes and the first thing he said to me was, "How is your friends daughter?" He completely remembered and even recalled what I told him about her diagnosis. He then proceeded to ask me more questions about Taylor...he was GENUINELY concerned! Just know that you have many people who don't even know your family who care. He has asked that I keep him up-to-date on her progress...and I will! I read your posts every day along with a big prayer. Please tell Tay that I am going to use the picture of her in her bear suit and glasses to put on my Team in Training uniform! They also give you a white wrist band that I will wear everyday and I am going to bedazzle it with Taylor's name. Just like my coaches said last night, if there is ever a day that I don't feel like running, all I have to do is look at my bracelet...

    Thank you for the are amazing.

    Hugs and Kisses,
    Suzy Hochman

  3. Hi! I miss seeing you and Taylor so much! It has been so nice to see Savannah & Sean at school. Savannah seems to be having fun at camp...I try to jump over and visit her in her classroom when I can...(I'm in with the infants for the summmer.) I keep asking Savannah to say hi to Bob & Harley for me:) She always reports that she has... This will make you smile...Pedro was at school today & the word is that when Savannah saw him, she tried to hold his hand and told him that he looked handsome! Tooo cute! Some things never change:) You are always in my thoughts and prayers. I'm looking forward to seeing you both soon. Much Love, Miss Amy

  4. I never thought I'd hear the words 'but I'm not hungry mommmy' from Taylor...usually it's 'my belly hurts' from overeating!!! I'm so glad she doesn't have an let's get her blood counts up so you can adios that hospital and get home!!!!!
    Love you both and hoping you have a much better day tomorrow!!

  5. Kristen, no surprise to me to hear you say, "another day in paradise." It makes perfect sense because everytime I read your blog posts I think of Jimmy Buffet blaring from the surround sound speakers in your hospital room, you and Tay sipping on a margarita all the while the nurses are waving their lighters in the dark. Hey, they got any cheeseburgers over there at PCH?

    I'm now going to refrain from referencing songs and instead just going to beat it.

    Such a shame! I was so close.

    My favorite quote of the day came after we got home from our wonderful dinner and play date with Sean and Savannah tonight. Brynn said, "I still love Taylor even though she gets her hair fallen out."

    I would tell you more about our play date but it occurs to me I really need to get off the computer and spend the rest of the evening teaching Brynn proper verb conjugation!


  6. Glad to hear there is no infection and the NG tube has been kept at bay. We continue to think of your family and send our positive thoughts and prayers your way. Anthony, Sarah, & Becks

  7. Hi Kristen & Taylor - I am a friend of a friend of a friend, or something like that. I have a 3-year old and a Taylor in my life. It is hard not to think what if it was my daughter or my niece. I ran 26.2 for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society almost 10-years ago...your story makes me think about doing it again! Oh, one additional note, the company I work for manufactures and promotes Zofran. I was happy to read along the way that this drug helped Taylor with nausea. It is nice to know that my work in some VERY small way has helped Taylor. My thoughts / prayers are with you.
    Sandy McKeown - Philadelphia

  8. Hello Kristen & Sean,

    I can't tell you how saddened we were to hear about the journey you have embarked on. It was only a few weeks ago that we saw your girls playing at a bday party without a care in the world. We are so sorry to hear that your lives have been turned upside down in such a short time. We are praying that good health will be in Taylor's near future. We also pray for strength for you and Sean to get through this difficult time. What a brave little girl you have! Please know that we would love to help out in any way that we can. We will keep sending prayers your way!

    The Browns - Kyle, Cheree, Jake & Aidan

  9. Hang in there Tay-Tay!! You're almost there for a home break!

    You continue to be in our thoughts and prayers everyday!

    Always, Shauna, Gustavo, and Santo
